NC Voter ID Victory & Analysis, NC Values Coalition (October 2020) (online).
Making Effective Use of Appellate Mediation, IN-HOUSE DEFENSE QUARTERLY (Winter 2016).
New Appeals as of Right from the Trial Division to the State Supreme Court, PER CURIAM (June 2015).
Holding a Plaintiff to His or Her Burden: Guidance from a Recent Fourth Circuit Opinion for Challenging a Whistleblower’s Prima Facie Case, 13:26 THE VOICE (2014) (with Meredith E. Woods).
A Burden Easily Shifted? How One Recent Case Illustrates the Danger to Employers of Whistleblower Claims, 25:2 THE JOB DESCRIPTION (2013).
Practical Considerations for Motions to Change Venue in Federal Court, SIDEBAR (Fall 2013) (with Meredith E. Woods).
Silver Screen Contra Black Letter Law: A Memphis Attorney Uses Hollywood Films to Educate Audiences about Intellectual Property Rights, MEMPHIS LAWYER (Sept./Oct. 2011) (online article).
Employment Law in Sixth Circuit Case Update, FBA MEMPHIS/MIDSOUTH CHAPTER NEWSLETTER (Spring 2011).
Immigrants and Other Cultural Minorities as Nontraditional Plaintiffs: Culture as a Factor in Determining Tort Damages, 92 JUDICATURE 220 (2009) (with Judge Bernice Bouie Donald).
Doctrines without Borders: Territorial Jurisdiction and the Force of International Law in the Wake of Rasul v. Bush, 39 VAND. J. TRANSNAT’L L. 161 (2006).
Speaker, Laying a Foundation for Expert Witness Testimony, NBI (June 2021).
Speaker, Establishing Foundations for Business Records and Other Documentary Evidence, NBI (June 2021).
Moderator, The Insiders, North Carolina Bar Association Appellate Practice Section CLE and Annual Meeting, Cary, NC (Oct. 2015) (moderated panel consisting of the clerks of the North Carolina Supreme Court and Court of Appeals and the Fourth Circuit’s chief deputy clerk).
Speaker, Applying Hearsay Exceptions and Overcoming Relevancy Issues, NBI, Raleigh, NC (Dec. 2014).
Speaker, Legal Ethics and ESI, NBI, Raleigh, NC (Dec. 2014) (with Meredith E. Woods).
Moderator, Writing for Your Audience, DRI Appellate Advocacy Seminar, Chicago, IL (July 2014) (moderated panel consisting of United States Circuit Judges Richard A. Posner and Bernice Bouie Donald as well as Justice Costa M. Pleicones of the South Carolina Supreme Court).
Speaker, Representing Your Client in Federal Court – Ethics, NBI, Raleigh, NC (Nov. 2013).
Speaker, Representing Your Client in Federal Court – Developing a Successful Trial Strategy, NBI, Raleigh, NC (Nov. 2013).