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Appellate Advocacy

Constitutional Law

Financial Services Litigation


Business Law & Litigation

Employment Law

Trust & Estate Law



Tyler Brooks represents clients in constitutional law and civil rights cases throughout the country and also handles a broad range of commercial and employment litigation.  Tyler has successfully tried cases before judges and juries, been counsel of record in class action litigation, argued appeals in state and federal courts, and acquired extensive experience with private arbitration.    


Before starting his own firm, Tyler practiced for six years, first as an associate attorney and then partner, at a civil litigation firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina, where he primarily represented railroads and other clients in the transportation industry.  Much of this work focused on wrongful death and serious personal injury cases as well as employment law, including matters arising under Title VII, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). He later practiced with a financial services and bankruptcy law firm after serving as Senior Trial Counsel with a national, non-profit public interest organization.  Tyler was also previously an attorney with a business law firm in Raleigh, providing litigation support to a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustee.  He has been an Adjunct Professor at Trinity International University's Trinity Law School and an Adjunct Instructor at the University of Memphis School of Law, and he currently serves as an Instructor of Business Law at Thales College in Wake Forest, North Carolina.​


Tyler has been named a “Rising Star” by SuperLawyers for multiple years and was selected as a North Carolina SuperLawyer for 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025.  He was named to the North Carolina Pro Bono Honor Society for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 and named to the South Carolina Pro Bono Honor Roll in 2019 and 2020.​  Additionally, The Appellate Lawyers named Tyler its 2024 North Carolina honoree.


A Life Fellow of the American Bar Foundation and Past President of the Eastern District of North Carolina Chapter of the Federal Bar Association, Tyler previously served on the Section Council of the North Carolina Bar Association's Appellate Practice Section and currently serves on the NCBA's Appellate Rules Committee. 


Tyler graduated summa cum laude from Wake Forest University, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Latin with Departmental Honors. At Wake Forest, he was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa and Eta Sigma Phi (Classics Honor Society) and received the M.D. Phillips Prize in Classical Languages. He received his J.D. in 2006 from Vanderbilt University Law School, where he served on the Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law as an Articles Editor and received university awards for attaining the highest grade in his courses on Evidence and Corporations. He further holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree in Taxation with a Certificate in Estate Planning from Villanova University's Graduate Tax Program, through which he also completed advanced coursework in ERISA and employee benefits law.


Following his graduation from Vanderbilt, Tyler served as a judicial law clerk to the Honorable Walter C. Kurtz, a trial court judge in Nashville and later Senior Judge for the State of Tennessee; during this time Tyler also provided temporary clerkship assistance to the Honorable Ellen Hobbs Lyle, a Chancellor on the Davidson County (Tennessee) Chancery Court.  He then clerked for the Honorable Bernice Bouie Donald, who was at the time a United States District Judge for the Western District of Tennessee before being elevated to a judgeship on the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.  â€‹


Tyler has published many legal articles and has moderated or taught several continuing legal education programs, particularly on the topics of civil and appellate procedure.  His writings have appeared in Judicature (the scholarly journal of the American Judicature Society), In-House Defense Quarterly published by the Defense Research Institute, the Memphis Lawyer, the Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, the John Locke Foundation's Carolina Journal, and other publications. His academic interests include state and federal constitutional law (particularly free speech and religious liberty issues), administrative law, and application of Public Choice Theory to legal problems. Tyler previously served as an editor of The Young Lawyer, published by the ABA's Young Lawyers Division, and he has spoken to many legal audiences as well as various civic and social groups, including being a featured speaker on constitutional law issues at the 2023 National Sidewalk Advocates for Life Conference in Dallas, Texas.  


Tyler has been interviewed by various journalists and media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News, NTD News, Fox News at Night with Shannon Bream, Law360, National Catholic Register, Todd Starnes of Fox News Radio, the Daily Wire, WORLD magazine, North Carolina Lawyers Weekly, the Santa Fe New Mexican, North State Journal, American Family Radio, the Charlotte Observer, Carolina Catholic Showcase, WRAL, Sacred Heart Radio, and Divine Mercy Radio Catholic 540-AM.


A native of Greensboro and a graduate of Greensboro's Grimsley Senior High School, Tyler now resides in Asheboro, North Carolina, and is the Secretary-Treasurer of the Randolph County Bar.  He is admitted to practice law in the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Michigan as well as numerous federal courts. 


Tyler is a member of the Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima and the Confraternity of St. Peter.  


Served as lead attorney for two of the defendants in a multi-week hearing in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn) that resulted in a favorable ruling from the Court denying the State of New York’s request for an injunction, a decision that was upheld on appeal.  Ultimately, the State dismissed the case.  As part of the representation, exposed how a witness for the State created a fake Facebook page to secretly monitor the defendants; personally appeared in segment on Shannon Bream’s Fox News at Night to discuss the case.


Obtained dismissal by the Court of all claims against a former Congressman and noted political commentator, who was wrongfully sued for defamation in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia.


Secured federal court preliminary injunction reversing baseless ban from certain public property imposed on citizen by a County in violation of her First Amendment rights.


Member of the legal team that represented a Catholic Religious Sister and physician who was denied a religious accommodation by the District of Columbia government, thus preventing her from providing free surgeries and other medical care to some of the District's poorest residents.  Upon filing of the suit, the D.C. government immediately restored her medical license and granted the requested accommodation.


Member of the legal team that successfully prosecuted a First Amendment lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina to challenge actions taken by the City of Charlotte that interfered with a ministry's activities. Court ordered the City to pay plaintiffs attorneys' fees and costs, which was upheld on appeal by the Fourth Circuit.


Member of the legal team that represented the Governor of North Carolina and other parties in defending a recently-enacted state law in high-profile federal constitutional litigation.


Author or co-author of several briefs filed with the U.S. Supreme Court, including primary authorship of an amicus curiae brief urging the Supreme Court to limit the scope of immunity for social media companies under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, an amicus brief arguing for limitation of the so-called "government speech doctrine," and an amicus brief asking the Court to curtail the power of the Securities & Exchange Commission to coerce settling defendants into accepting "consent" decrees that violate the First Amendment.


Served as counsel for several scholars of law and economics from George Mason University's Mercatus Center in filing amici curiae briefs in North Carolina Superior Court, the North Carolina Court of Appeals, and the North Carolina Supreme Court to support an Institute for Justice challenge to North Carolina’s certificate of need laws.


Successfully obtained benefits for client from ERISA plan in a matter of weeks, after plan administrator had repeatedly delayed paying what client was rightfully owed.   


Obtained favorable decision from the N.C. Court of Appeals agreeing with client's interpretation of contractual indemnity clause and reversing ruling by the trial court that reached a contrary conclusion. Afterwards, successfully defeated opponent's petition for further review by the N.C. Supreme Court.


Secured transfer of venue from the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina of lawsuit arising from grade crossing accident involving major railroad and large trucking company.    


Won reversal by the N.C. Court of Appeals of Superior Court order prohibiting enforcement of properly docketed and transcribed civil judgment over objection from non-party interest holder in subject property.


Successfully defended Superior Court’s grant of summary judgment in tort case at N.C. Court of Appeals and defeated effort of plaintiff-appellant to have the N.C. Supreme Court accept petition for review asking the Court to revisit state law on “relation back” of civil claims.


Obtained early summary judgment in federal court for railroad defendants in ADA case based on untimeliness of claims, despite argument of plaintiff that time to file was tolled by proceedings before Public Law Board and actions of his labor union.





B. Tyler Brooks


Tel: (336) 564-6255


Villanova University School of Law - LL.M. in Taxation

Graduate Certificate in Estate Planning


Vanderbilt University Law School - J.D.

Articles Editor, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law

Scholastic Excellence Award in Evidence

Scholastic Excellence Award in Corporations & Business Entities

Extern, U.S. District Judge Thomas A. Wiseman, Jr., Middle District of Tennessee

Intern, Judge Richard A. Elmore, North Carolina Court of Appeals 

Research Assistant, Prof. Nancy J. King, Federal Habeas Research Project


Wake Forest University - B.A. in Latin

Degree Awarded summa cum laude with Departmental Honors

Phi Beta Kappa

M.D. Phillips Prize in Classical Languages

Eta Sigma Phi (Classics Honor Society)

Golden Key International Honour Society

George Foster Hankins Scholarship  


Judicial Clerkships:

Law Clerk, U.S. District Judge Bernice B. Donald, Western District of Tennessee

Law Clerk, Senior Judge for the State of Tennessee Walter C. Kurtz

Law Clerk, Judge Walter C. Kurtz, Fifth Circuit Court for Davidson County (Tenn.)


Teaching Experience:

Instructor of Business Law, Thales College (2024-Present)

Adjunct Professor, Trinity Law School, Trinity International University (2019-22)

Adjunct Instructor, University of Memphis School of Law (2010-11)



Life Fellow, American Bar Foundation

North Carolina Pro Bono Honor Society

South Carolina Pro Bono Honor Roll

Tennessee Attorneys for Justice Pro Bono Honor Roll

Herb Falk Society of the Greensboro Bar Association (2023)

North Carolina SuperLawyers (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 & 2025)

North Carolina SuperLawyers "Rising Star" (2016, 2017, 2018 & 2020)

North Carolina Honoree, The Appellate Lawyers (2024)



Federalist Society

North Carolina Bar Association

  • Appellate Practice Section

  • Labor & Employment Section

  • Privacy & Data Security Section

Michigan State Bar

  • Appellate Practice Section

  • Religious Liberty Law Section

South Carolina Bar

Randolph County Bar (37th Judicial District)

  • Secretary-Treasurer (2024-Present)

Greensboro Bar Association

International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP)

National Catholic Bioethics Center


Click here for a full listing of Bar and Court admissions.



MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 327, Asheboro, NC 27204


OFFICE LOCATION: 100 East Lake Dr., Suite 6, Greensboro, NC 27403 

(Appointments available only by request. Please send all correspondence and deliveries to the above mailing address, not the office address.)


Tel:  (336) 564-6255

Fax: (336) 900-6535


Simply contacting our firm, whether by telephone, email, or otherwise, does not create an attorney-client relationship.  If you are accepted as a client of the firm, you will be asked to sign a written representation agreement at that time.  Please be aware that the Law Office of B. Tyler Brooks, PLLC, does not accept contingency fee cases.   


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© 2023 by Law Office of B. Tyler Brooks, PLLC.

    The purpose of this website is for general information about the Law Office of B. Tyler Brooks, PLLC, and other legal related information which may interest you. The information on this website is not intended to constitute legal advice. Any information on this website should be taken as informational and not opinion or advice. While every effort is taken to make sure the information contained on this website is accurate and current, this firm does not make any representation as to such accuracy or assume any liability for such information.​ Attorney B. Tyler Brooks, whose address is stated above, is responsible for the content on this site. The cases discussed and reported on this website may not represent the lawyer's entire record and the outcome of a particular case cannot be predicated upon a lawyer's or a law firm's past results. Nothing about this website, its photographs, or any URL information is intended to imply that this law firm is a public or charitable legal services organization. No attorney-client relationship is created unless and until you receive a signed writing from us confirming the existence of such a relationship. The Law Office of B. Tyler Brooks, PLLC, is a private, for-profit PLLC organized under North Carolina law and duly registered with the North Carolina State Bar. Please send all correspondence to P.O. Box 327, Asheboro, NC 27204.  Read our full legal disclaimers.

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